step one: take a pound of ground coffee (i used 8 o'clock bean).
dump it into a huge container. big enough to hold two gallons of water and then a bit.
add two gallons of water. mix it around to get all the grounds wet. cover.
walk away until the next day.
the next day (at least 8-10 hours later) strain the coffee mixture through a strainer and paper towels or cheesecloth. (look Q i bought paper towels!!! only because they didn't have cheesecloth).
this will get out all the grounds.
if you used the same container to steep and store...wash it good before putting the coffee concentrate back in there.
put in the fridge.
leave it alone until it is frosty cold and you are sweating buckets.
Then fill cup with ice to the top green line and then coffee concentrate to that line too.
then added a fun creamer selection...this one was caramel macciato.
delish. perfect. wonderful. awesome. did not need to add sugar or anything else.
it went down WAYYYYYY too easy.
iced VIA from starbucks costs $6 for six servings.
this cost me about around the same amount for ten times the servings.
and i love it more than the VIA. and you know how much i love my starbucks.
Thank you pioneer woman via
little bit funky!!